Remember the Sam Cooke song, "Don't Know Much About History"? Well, I feel like humming a few bars, but changing the words around…."Don't Know Much about Governments"…..but I do know a corrupt one when I see it, feel it, hear it, experience it….A system trying so hard to survive in its corrupt state, that its convinced itself (and everyone else) that there are no limits…no boundaries…and no moral authority.
You know what the funny thing is?... this "collective Madison Avenue-Beltway-Beverly Hillbilly PsyOps," that's evolved into this beast thinks it "looks pretty damn good….if it must say so itself!". I'm waiting for the implosion because it's bound to happen. You can't try to hold something this desperate together forever...I wonder who will be left standing in the end?
There are some heroes though! Unfortunately, they have been demonized and they're desperately trying to speak the truth. You have your Edward Snowden's, your Wikileaks, your Bradley Mannings….as naive as they are, especially young Bradley….They really did see the absolute corruptness of it all and they tried to warn the public, but the public is just as content to sleep with the beast.
They believe the flag waving, Bible thumping (I do Love God….but I hate the Bible thumpers!!!), song singing, speech making, foot stomping, fire breathing, jingle making, movie making, cheese eating liars.
You know the Bible verse in the book of Matthew, Chapter 23, verses 24: It says, "You blind guides! You strain out a gnat, but swallow a camel" A lie is easier to swallow, than the truth. SELAH!