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Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" -Sarah Palin, TEA PARTY LEADER


Sarah Palin posted a picture on her Facebook page this week showing cross hairs over the districts of Democrats who voted for health care reform in districts that Republicans carried.
On the page, Palin writes:
With the president signing this unwanted and "transformative" government takeover of our health care system today with promises impossible to keep, let's not get discouraged. Don't get demoralized. Get organized!
Palin also tweeted the page:
Don't Get Demoralized! Get Organized! Take Back the 20!
Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page. COURTESY OF TPM Live

Rep. Gabby Giffords Responds to Sarah Palin's Crosshair Map

This interview occurred on March 25, 2010. Representative Gifford was shot on January 8, 2011,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can I Have a "Do-Over?"

Eat a Donut!!

Write a paragraph. Eat a donut. Delete a paragraph. Eat a donut. Add a little more here, change a little there. Try a different word here. Eat another donut! I'll be a a size 18 by the time I finish this article!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Listen to a Sample Podcast!

WKID! Broadcasting live from the laundry room!!

Old Time Radio Sound Effects!!!

I came across an old cassette tape the other day marked "Isaac Kids! Creative Stories" circa 1996. I vaguely remember the tape, but I do recall labeling it for posterity.

I had recently set up a homework station in the laundry room.   It was equipped with a colorful desk and chair (I painted them myself!) pencils, markers, paper, sharpeners and more.  This was the year that I vowed to be a a "wonderful mother."  I was going to ensure that my children finished their homework on time,  permission slips would be signed, sealed, and delivered within 24 hours, lunches packed and waiting on the dining room table, and my kids were going to be "all that they can be!".

Perhaps you can tell that we were military--- even though my husband was the only one wearing the uniform, we were all military.  Well!  this was the year that Sargeant Daddy purchased a new, state of the art Karaoke machine.  You know---it had the dual cassette deck, huge ice cream cone microphone,  and that little button that produced those really "cool" echos when you recorded.  The kids loved it! And so did I!

I remember reading a small blurb in FamilyFun that year.   It explained how to create your very own radio drama with great sound effects like the professionals.  The piece suggested using large aluminum pans to create thunder sound effects, bells, and all sorts of real world stuffl; not exactly the synthesized version that we use today; sound effects from scratch!

I clipped the article an put it in my "Fun things to do" pile and began to set up our very own recording studio and listening center in the laundry room.    The kids recorded original stories; they sang, delivered monologues and sometimes complained.

Now in 2011, some fifteen years later, my "kids" are all "grown up." The youngest is 21 and  the oldest is 27.     I couldn't wait to hear vintage Stevie, Elena, Elisa, and Estevana, then 12, 11, 9, and 6 years old respectively.  I had to scramble to find a cassette player (that's another story in itself!), but I did it and it was a treat!

Now my challenge was how to preserve this for future generations of "Isaacs".  Why not record it as a podcast?  I used my Macbook from school, but any computer will do since there are tons of free Web 2.0 and 3.0 applications can be used to create your own podcasts.  Audacity is a free software application on the web that's easy, free and fun to use.  There's also,  a really powerful, free website that not only allows you to record and edit audio in Myna, but also has a photo editing program called Phoenix and a host other quality programs as well. Apple users may be familiar with the popular program called Garageband.  

Fear not! If you conduct a simple online search such as "free postcast apps" you're bound to come up with some interesting programs.  There are easy tutorials on each site as well as video tutorials that you can easily access by typing in "podcast tutorial" for whatever program that you're using.  Give podcasting a try today.  You might find yourself pleasantly surprised!

Monday, May 30, 2011

According to E., Botswana is "Easy Like Sunday Morning!!"

A Kick Back Type Day

by Elena J. Isaac

It’s just a sit back
Laid back
I don’t hear that type day
A no crescendo
Bird in my window
Sun on my pillow type day
A sleep til’ noon
A morning cartoon
Eat rice with a spoon type day
A put my feet up
Don’t wanna get up
Be nice or shut up type day
It’s a pizza for brunch
Milk and Crunch & Munch
Shower after lunch type day
Choose to be obliv’
It’s better to forgive
Let the ant live type day
It’s just a sit back
Laid back
Nice to kick back type day

Copyright 2009.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From Botswana, With Love

... I've been having a really great time thus far. The people here are very nice and stress-free. We're living with a Botswana student who has been really helpful with getting us around and letting us know about the culture and such. Today we are going climbing at a hill. Not like rock climbing because apparently we will be following a path and then tomorrow we are going to a game park. I start working at the women's clinic on Tuesday. Apparently there is another game park not too far from Gaborone that has hot air balloons, which I hope to make it to. So all in all, everything has been going smooth and great thus far. I miss you and I love you. Take Care.



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dumela, Otsogile jaang?

Good morning, How are you?

Discovering Botswana

Discovering Botswana!

Hey E. It’s amazing, isn’t it? you're really walking on African soil? You said it! You did it, and I’m so proud of you!: )

Okay. Here’s a small assignment for you. Below is a list of the items that I would love to have from Africa. Please put this on your “TO DO” list so that you won’t forget : )

I want……

* The recipe for a traditional Batswana dish that you get from a real Motswana grandmother (nkuku)!!
* A children’s book in Setswana
* A beautiful stone or a rock that you pick up as you’re enjoying the exotic beauty of Botswana
* An incredible photo of an African sunrise or sunset
* interesting pics of the “flora” and “fauna” of Southern Africa, especially a Baobab tree.
* A piece of traditional fabric from Botswana

I’ll have to think of some more unique items that you can bring home; In the meantime, ENJOY THE MOTHERLAND : ).

I know that you will have to adjust to the new time zone and the long trip. Get some rest now. We love you and miss you.


Mme & Ntate/rre

PS - Your Nkgonne(s) send their love : )